Looking for a program that's uniquely 'You'?
We can build you a completely new program, or tailor our existing one for your value chain.
Do you have a team-based emission reduction project that could benefit from a third party facilitated workshop?
Is your organisation already on a trajectory towards Net Zero, and your teams require support with their Action Plans?
Want to brainstorm more ambitious pathways towards a more holistically sustainable future for your organisation?
Let us design a program tailored to the needs of your team or organisation. For example, our programs can help you:
understand the scope of the carbon emissions associated with your project or activity
understand how new mandatory financial reporting requirements may affect your business
identify and discuss how you might mitigate greenwashing risks
understand the co-benefits and ethical trade-offs associated with your project or activity
identify and use the language needed to engage effectively with actors
identify transformational 'stretch' goals to take your holistic sustainability commitments to new heights.
...and much more!
The Fine Print: If you would like your new program to be an accredited and certified learning activity under the Carbon Literacy Project, it will need to be minimum 8 hours long to meet accreditation criteria.
If certification is not a requirement, we can build it however you like it, for any duration you wish.
Are you ready to ThinkZero and speak carbon?
Email us on training@thinkzero.co